New Review Game

In addition to the review quiz posted earlier, Larry Ferlazzo's blog alerted me to some new "make your own game" sites. So here's another one for you created in W2L (What 2 Learn) and based on the final exam questions.

Click here to play:
Penquins in Peril: Introduction to Technology in Education

See Larry's "Best" lists here! You'll find some new favorites! And you might want to bookmark or subscribe to his blog!

BTW, I made at least one error in putting this game together....10 bonus points if you are the first to post it in a comment below!

Here are some other games created by others on W2L that will help you review and show you what else you might create using the free game-creator tool:
You might want to consider creating an online game or quiz for your final project. "Given ten random questions in an online game about ____________, the student will answer 90% of them or more correctly." What better way to meet that objective? This would be the knowledge level in Bloom's taxonomy.


Erica Pollick said...

One of the questions was a fill in the blank answer about 5th graders knowing the capitals. None of the answers seemed like they would fit at all. They made no sense, therefore I think that question was one of the error questions!

Donna Baumbach said...

Nope, sorry. The question said what is missing? Is it the A(udience), B(ehavior), C(ondition), or D(egree)? Which part of a behavior objective is missing from the sentence "Given a map of the US, the fifth graders will _________ the capitals of each state with 100% accuracy."

Answer: behavior. It could be name, point out, list, circle, etc. but it would be an active verb, a behavior. Thanks for trying, though!

skaul said...

The question on cyberbullying:

cyberbullying was listed two times.
I also thought that flame would have been the answer.

Donna Baumbach said...

Good for you!! You've FOUND it...and you're right "flame" was close. (Maybe too close--not a good question!)
The dictionary says "flame" is "An insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger, as on a computer network." The text talks about cyberbullying, but not about by default that would be the answer. See. You know too much!