FETC Virtual Conference

Right NOW I'm attending the FETC Virtual Conference. It's entirely online--including speakers, presentations, communication with other participants, exhibits and even prizes! How cool is that?

I'm listening to Dr. Steven L. Paine – State Superintendent – West Virginia Department of Education. He's talking about what they are doing for teachers, for students and with technology to improve outcomes in education. He first talked about how teachers are VALUED in Finland, Singapore, Korea and China. He's also talking about building a "back porch" for teachers--where they can collaborate, share, plan, work and learn together online. He believes teachers should be better trained, more respected, and better paid....and that we need better teachers! I can't disagree! Did you know in Finland, only 1 in 10 trained teachers are actually selected to work in school classrooms? They only take the cream of the crop!

I like him. He thinks that retirees (like me!) have something to offer! Paine also thinks we'll be looking at more online learning for both students and teachers and much hybrid instruction as well. Aren't you glad you took this course online? And you were introduced to FLVS? Online learning and teaching may indeed be part of your future!

See the program here. I'm hoping that the presentations will be available later for you (and me) to view and hear later, too.

Back to my learning....!