Quiz Alert

You'll soon be quizzed on Chapters 1-4 of your textbook. There are several review options available to you as described on the course pages. Here's another one created in Quizlet, a free "flashcard" creation program.

No matter the subject or the age of the student, giving them a chance to practice and review content is important. The importance of vocabulary in mastering any content cannot be overestimated.

Other flashcard creation programs include:

I've done the same vocabulary for you in Study Stack where you can practice using flash cards, matching, hangman, crossword puzzles, scrambled words and more. I found a how-to video on YouTube that shows you how to use PowerPoint to create flashcards. Not quite the same, but a good idea!

Check them out. You may be able to use one of them in your final project or in another course.
Oh! And you will be more prepared for the first quiz!!