Free Technology Resources! FREE! FREE!

These two resources are new to me, but they are perfect for you in this class--and after! Both are sponsored by Nortel, a communications company.
The first is It has lesson plans by subject, grade or technology; technology tutorials, links to resources and best practices, and a help section to get you started with the site. Next week's assignment is on podcasting, so I checked out the audio tutorials. Fabulous!

The second is the Everyday Technology Toolkit that not only includes some Tech 'Splained videos but also explains step-by-stop how to make your own (or get students to make their own!) complete with planning documents and video and printed directions. From the site: "These short videos (about 4 minutes each) offer a quick way to successfully get up to speed in specific technology concepts. The videos:

  • provide the basic "getting started" steps
  • provide concrete examples
  • work for individual learning or in a classroom setting
  • are always available to return to for review"

This series of technology topics can be incorporated into all curricula and offer alternative methods of teaching and learning!

There's a nice video about Animoto, one of my favorite (and free) online alternatives to Powerpoint (and one we won't get to this semester.) You can make a music video in minutes from your own images! Oh, and there's a list of free software applications and tools.

If you don't think you'll know ALL about technology when you finish this course, you're right! But sites like this can help you learn and grow!

Did I mention I love free things? Most teachers do, especially when they help them teach and help student learn!


amelia said...

Hi Dr. Baumbach,
My name is Amelia Sullivan and I work with Nortel LearniT and I actually created the Everyday Technology Toolkit site. I just wanted to personally thank you for your great compliments! The Nortel LearniT team works hard to create free, easy, and helpful resources for all users. I would like to encourage you to visit our Ning site, and our TeacherTube page, Again, thank you for your recognition. Feel free to e-mail us anytime,

Nortel LearniT, Producer