U Can change the Future? (UCF!) Digital MeStories

meStories is a digital film competition and showcase in which undergraduate UCF students are given the opportunity to express their views and ideas on contemporary topics. This competition is open to currently enrolled undergraduate students. Students can enter individually or in groups (limit 4 students per team). The general theme for this competition is defined by UCF's Unifying Theme. This year's theme is:

"Our Planet.Our Education.Our Future".

In keeping with this theme, the title of this year's MeStories contest is "U-Can-change-the-Future"

For this competition you are to assemble a two to three minute personal story that is recorded on video about change.... and how you, as an individual, could be the catalyst to change the world. The topic should relate to you and the environment.

The Essential Question is:

"How could you change the World (i.e., environment)?"

See the rules and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and then check out this example by a College of Education student: